Acupuncture Healing CT
Acupuncture Healing CT
With a Convenient Norwalk Office - Now Accepting Most Insurances
In Network with Aetna
CT State Retirees' Aetna plan covers 20 visits per year with minimal copays
Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, Cupping and More
Our Acupuncture care is based on Traditional Chinese Medical (TCM) Theory
What we offer:
Acupuncture Care
Trigger Point Release or "Dry Needling"
Cupping - for all types of pain and other issues
Moxa and Heat Therapy
Chinese Medicinal Herbs
Gwa Sha
Magnetic Therapy
Specialized Acupuncture Care:
Fertility/Infertility Issues
Pain and other physical discomfort
Weight Loss
Facial Rejuvenation
We offer Acupuncture in both private
and group settings.
Private Acupuncture:
Call for details (203) 216-2548
Group/Semi-private Acupuncture:
Call for details (203) 216-2548
Weight Loss with Acupuncture:
Call for details (203) 216-2548
Facial Rejuvenation with Acupuncture:
Call for details (203) 216-2548