Acupuncture Healing CT
Acupuncture Healing CT
With a Convenient Norwalk Office - Now Accepting Most Insurances
In Network with Aetna
CT State Retirees' Aetna plan covers 20 visits per year with minimal copays
About Jody Eisemann, L.Ac. , NCCAOM
Jody Eisemann, L.Ac., NCCAOM, is a licensed acupuncturist with 25 years in private practice. She has a private practice, a clinic and worked at Norwalk Hospital's Integrated Medical Department for 3 years. And she has been both an adjunct professor and clinic supervisor for the Acupuncture Institute at the University of Bridgeport.
Jody has treated many varied health conditions over the years and specializes in treating all kinds of pain. With her many years using acupuncture, she has successfully treated many conditions including migraines/headaches, fertility issues, depression, anxiety, digestive difficulties, menstrual problems and ADD.
Jody graduated from the New England School of Acupuncture and has an undergraduate degree from University of Rochester. She has been the President, Vice President and Secretary of the CT Society of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and is licensed by the state of Connecticut in acupuncture.
She had studied for many years under Dr. Richard Tan from San Diego and uses his quick and highly effective techniques in her practice. She also had the good fortune to assist the renowned Dr. Miriam Lee, the second acupuncturist licensed in the state of California. Jody was also lucky enough to work under Dr. Mike Smith at Lincoln Hospital in the Bronx, NY. Dr. Smith is the creator of the world renowned NADA ear acupuncture protocol which is used around the world for stress, trauma and addiction.
Jody is a Connecticut native and raised in Westport, CT. previously she worked in television production and has lived and travelled extensively in the US and overseas. She raised her son in Fairfield, CT
Picture by Kate Eisemann